Unoccupied Property Insurance

Trying to find insurance for a property that is unoccupied can be difficult with the number of providers in the market offering different terms, conditions, and exclusions so we have built a straightforward and simple solution for you.

When is a property deemed ‘unoccupied’?

There can be several reasons why a property is unoccupied, whether it’s due to renovations being undertaken, estate administration or extended time abroad. We can offer a policy that can suit your requirements.

Working with our insurer partners we make the process of sourcing unoccupied property insurance simple, quick and affordable, whilst providing cover that emulates a traditional household policy without the need for weekly visitations.

Perfect for Solicitors and their Clients

This product has been built with Solicitors and their clients in mind. Using our experience within the property market we understand the four main pain points for Solicitors when sourcing specialist unoccupied property insurance:

Restricted levels of cover

Long and arduous quotations process

Mandatory visitation/inspections

Lack of funds on the estate

Our product offers full perils cover with no mandatory visitations or inspection requirements to give you peace of mind that the property you are responsible for is fully protected if the worst was to happen.

We offer this service on a flat fee basis so you will know the costs upfront with a simple four question application via email.


  • £750k rebuild flat cost of £70 inclusive of IPT per property per month
  • Saves time by not having arduous conditions
    • Inspecting the property
    • Draining down the pipes
  • Peace of mind the property is covered for all perils (see cover section for more information)
  • Low premium of £70 per month to reduce the outlay for the estate
  • Instant cover with only six easy questions to answer:
  1. Under £750,000 rebuild?
  2. In a good state of repair?
  3. Standard construction?
  4. Is the property listed?
  5. Any commercial aspects?
  6. Are the pipes drained down?


  • Fire, Lightning, Explosion, Earthquake and Aircraft
  • Storm, Flood and Weight of Snow
  • Escape of Water or Oil
  • Subsidence
  • Accidental Damage
  • Malicious Damage
  • Theft or Attempted Theft
  • Finding Source of Leaks
  • Property Owners Liability

Get in touch

If you want to discuss your unoccupied property insurance with one of our expert team, please contact us.

Call on 01242 898387 or fill in our simple enquiry form.

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